There is much variety in people's names, so it's quite impossible to
give rules here. Usually, in running text, the name of an individual
is finished by the determinative sign of the seated man
but this sign is used in lots of other contexts.
In general, the representation of someone is preceded by the titles and name of the person.
Often, and especially in the most ancient texts, a full-scale
representation can act as a determinative. In this
, from the tomb of Heqa-ib at Assuan,
the figure of the tomb owner stands under his names and titles. The
last line translates:
Written with the signthe prince
In fact, it should be read in reverse: the first word written isthe chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt
the sole friend (of the king); The word smr, ``friend'', is written with the glyphs s and mr .
Litteraly: He who is under (the lector priest
, the personal name.
In stelas, offering bearers are often close
relatives of the stela's owner. So you will frequently find things
``his son he loves''
``his daughter he loves''
in front of their names.
The duck is the sound ``'', for ``son''; the
is a ``t'', and a feminine ending;
is a personal pronoun for ``he'',
writes the verb ``to love'', because both the word
``canal'' and the verb to ``love'' have the consonant ``mr'' as consonantic