base de données hiéroglyphique
- A Macintosh version of tksesh is available on F. Vervloesem's
pages on mac egyptological softwares.
- 2 Sep. 2004
A small program to convert dictionaries for Luca's Brigatti
hieroword into dictionaries readable by tksesh : readCSV.tcl. Works in particular for
the lexicon Mark Vygus has made using Faulkner's dictionary.
- 5 Nov. 2003
Version 0.999 is available ! Download it below. All information,
including glyphs drawing is processed by a database, so adding new
glyph is much simpler. Other features : very simple installation for
windows, graphical cut and paste under windows, improved rendering
algorithm, 79 texts in the database (a lot of them are Late
Egyptian texts).
Windows Users : download tksesh0999.exe.
Unix Users : download the source code.
- August 2003
- BUG fix for tkseshAlpha5 : download the file tksesh.dll, and copy it in the directory
tcllib\LIBS. The graphical cut and paste is now in metafile format, not enhanced metafile,
and works much better.
- June 2002
- ALPHA VERSION FOR WINDOWS with graphical cut and paste :
the file tkseshAlpha5a.exe contains
a development version for windows. The database functionalities are
not working for this one, so you shouldn't use it to replace your
current tksesh version. But the nice point is that it's able to copy
text to the clipboard in emf (enhanced metafile) format. So Window
users can use tksesh to include hieroglyphic texts in standard text
editing system. Tcl is now included in the tksesh distribution, so you
have only one file to download.
- January 2002
decided to provide the current
development version. It's a development version, so
it can be buggy, you need to understand how to install it, and so
on. On the other hand, the font editor is MUCH better, and you can
save metafile pictures of the text which can be included in word.
- October 1999
Version 0.9c. New install package for Win95. Small bug fixes. Ounamon
and Two brothers texts added
- April 1999
Version 0.9b2. No real change from version 0.9b, but
improved configure script for solaris workstations.
- Feb. 1999
- version 0.9b. The user interface now allows sign
rotation, hatchures, and the like. The dictionary can be browsed in a
user-friendly way. Plus, the notes can be saved as HTML files (on Unix
only, helas !)
- 6 Jan 1999
- version 0.8. Lots of improvements. You can now really search hieroglyphic words in the texts
- 21 Dec 1998
- version 0.6. Includes a font editor, a program to define new ligatures,
- 9 Dec 1998
- version B 0.5 released. fonts and ligature definition now made
through TCL, hence next version should allow the user to add new
codes. The font editor looks like something usable now. try it !
(wish8.0 fonteed.tcl in tcllib directory). It uses the nice scoop
object oriented extension. The window version is not made yet.
- 22 Nov 1998
- version B 0.4 released. Nicer selection handling under windows,
slight modifications in the font system.
- 18 Nov 1998
- version B 0.1 released. minor bug fixes,
better interface for user preference
(the language is selected from a list now).
Translation editor usable
- 12 Nov 1998
- version B 0.0. First public release
UNIX : installez tcl/tk version 8.0p2 au moins. Récupérez
tkseshb.tgz. configurez, installez, c'est prêt !
UNIX : install tcl/tk version (at least) 8.0p2. Get
tkseshb.tgz. Configure, install, and here you are.
mail bugs to
Serge Rosmorduc
Windows : tkseshAlpha5a.exe permet d'installer tksesh
Windows : simply get tkseshAlpha5a.exe.
N'oubliez pas de vous
Le numéro que vous aurez vous
permettra d'envoyer de nouvelles entrées pour le dictionnaire. Pour
essayer le programme sans vous enregistrer, utilisez le numéro d'ID 1234567890.
Don't forget to register.
The number you will get will allow you to share your dictionnary
entries with others. If you want to try the software without
registering, you can use ID number 1234567890.
Vous devriez bientôt trouver ici de nouveaux textes, des additions
pour le dictionnaire, etc... Cela dépend aussi de vous !
N'hésitez pas à envoyer vos contributions textuelles !
You should soon find here new texts, dictionnary additions, etc.
It also depends on you !
Feel free to send your textual contributions !