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  • Project date 2013-2015
  • Client LIRIS-CNRS, DAREN, INBP, La Talemelerie, Omendo, XSalto.
  • Documentation

Learning Café

The main purpose of the project is to design a new multimedia learning platform to help staffs to acquire new skills for their professional progression. In particular, this new platform is aimed at learners who do not appreciate conventional training methods, and who prefer new kinds of media, personalized to their own background. From a learner’s point of view, the platform provides semantic searches for media and proposes automatically the most appropriate video according to the user’s personalized pathway. That video can be rendered according to the user’s profile for enhancing specific information. In addition, the platform allows users to add new video resources, which will be automatically annotated, and to update the representation of learning domains.


The project SONAR (SOurcing aNd Automated Recruitment) aims at giving automated tools to the employment market to put in relation effectively candidates with recruiters. It is based on innovative semantic technologies, applied to a unique base in France of more than 10 million announcements, through one Software Interface in SaaS mode. SONAR allows the recruiters (i) to choose the most relevant jobboards as their strategy of recruitment (distribution of announcements, search for CV, campaign of cooptation); (ii) to get a proposal of announcement drafted automatically, adapted to the targeted profile; (iii) to get relevant profiles corresponding to their researches, stemming from resume databases and social network.
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  • Project date 2013-2015
  • Partners: LIMSI-CNRS, Multiposting, Work4Lab.
  • Web site
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  • Project date 2014-2015
  • Partners: University of Vienna.

Mobile Coaching

The Mobile Coaching project aims at conceptual design and prototypical implementation of a real-time monitoring/feedback system in elite rowing. The main idea is to send directly measured parameters such as the pulling force, oar angle or stroke rate in real-time to the application server. In this way, coaches can continuously access the performance data and assist the rowers by analysing the gathered information via a mobile device and optimize the training by giving immediate feedback and advices to the rowers.

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HUMAINE (Human-Machine-Interaction Network on Emotion) is a NoE (Network of Excellence) within the European framework of FP6 running from 1.2004 to 12.2007; contract no. 507422. HUMAINE aims to lay the foundations for European development of systems that can register, model and/or influence human emotional and emotion-related states and processes - 'emotion-oriented systems'. Such systems may be central to future interfaces, but their conceptual underpinnings are not sufficiently advanced to be sure of their real potential or the best way to develop them. One of the reasons is that relevant knowledge is dispersed across many disciplines. HUMAINE brings together leading experts from the key disciplines in a programme designed to achieve intellectual integration. It identifies six thematic areas that cut across traditional groupings and offer a framework for an appropriate division of labour - theory of emotion; signal/sign interfaces; the structure of emotionally coloured interactions; emotion in cognition and action; emotion in communication and persuasion; and usability of emotion-oriented systems.